Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 125 Returning home

At the airport flying to Tasmania and a huge storm passed through - it was pouring and reflected how I was feeling as we had received news on Sunday that my Dad had passed away.
Shellshocked, heartbroken....

I will return to my blog in a few months.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 122 Demolished Birthday lunch

at the Mezze Lebanese Grill in East Brunswick. My nephew is visiting with us and it his birthday today and it was my son's last Monday so we celebrated today with lebanese. Yum.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 119 I know, I know another moon shot but could not resist

and these just do not do it justice but hope you enjoy anyway.....
If you looked up in the sky tonight you would have enjoyed the same view.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 118 New auditorium officially opened

Last night we went to the official opening of the auditorium at our son's school. I did not manage to get any photos so today when I dropped the boys at school took a couple of pics. Some of the landscaping is till being worked on but otherwise everything is finished. It is great and will be a well used!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 117 New study bench

One side now almost finished tidy and set up. It is great to have a large area to work on. We will probably change the printer to wireless and put it on the other side which will give us even more room. We just need to hide all our cables and power boards and maybe a shelf and it will be all done! Then to tidy up the other side and re-organise the drawers etc.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 116 One sad and lonely desk ....

relegated to the veranda as nowhere else to put it

and one big mess to clean out and tidy up....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 115 Do you remember. . .

Chocolate ripple cake?? Last term at school I made one of these for Luis to take to school and I had not made one probably since I was his age living at home. Anyway he loved it thought it was great so we made one today for his birthday celebration tomorrow.

still undecorated - I will buy some chocolate and strawberries tomorrow to finish it off.